Robert Reich Class on Wealth and Poverty In America

Lesson 1:  Trends in Income and Wealth


Lesson 2: Shareholder Capitalism and Primacy of the Investor


Lesson 3: The Impact of Globalization and Technology


Lesson 4: Geographic Inequality


Lesson 5: The Coordinated Decimation of Antitrust and Labor Laws Have Resulted in Most of Us Working Harder for Less


Lesson 6: How Money in Politics Screws Democracy


Lesson 7: Taxes and Redistribution


Lesson 8: Macroeconomic Policy


Lesson 9: Racial Resentment and Racial Inequity


Lesson 10:  Public Assistance and the Question of Deservingness


Lesson 11:  Inequities in Health


Lesson 12:  Environmental Inequities


Lesson 13:  Inequalities in Education 


Lesson 14:  The Future of Inequality